1.explain end to end process of qc,2.how many tabs are in
qc9.0,qc10.0 3.what is review, how many reviews are
following in aproject 4.how will you get the requirements
5.why do we choose testing 6.how to export tc's and
requirements to qc through add-ins
What is smart identification in QTP?
What does Reporter.Reortevent2 does?
For ex we are doing automate testing in that can we do some part of application recording, some part descriptive programing and some part general VB scripting like that .............
How can I find out whether a word in a string is existed or not for example "QTP IS A POWERFULL TOOL FOR AUTOMATION" How can i find out whether "powerfull" is existed in the above string or not Could anyone answer it?
Hi, How to invoke QTP or any application through Command Prompt without using Vb script and batch file.... Reply me Srinivas
write a script to verify the image path(src property) of the images which are in web pages.
Per-Action Vs Shared repository?
how to test power point using QTP 8.2 ? What are different methods to retrieve value from Application during runtime ?
Hi. plz expalin abouit SetToProperty, SetRoProperty, GetToProperty, GetRoProperty,GetToPrperties. with examples.
How to use the object spy in quicktest professional 8.0 version?
QTP Data Table Having 10 records with 10 to 15 fields(lets say).now i want to get alternative records from datatable.pls can any one answer it?
the build is develeped in Java. is possible to write scripting in vb using QTP ?