Hi. plz expalin abouit SetToProperty, SetRoProperty,
GetToProperty, GetRoProperty,GetToPrperties. with examples.
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Answer / kamesh
As per my Knowledge ....There is no SetORProperty in QTP
SetToProperty: This is used for set the values to any
property of object at run time. This is not effected to
Runtime datatable.
GetTOProperty: This is used to get property values which is
set the value to the object using SetTOPropery at run time
GetORProperty: This is used to get the any property values
of any object in run time
Plz let me know if I wrong..
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Answer / raghavender
It is used to set a vlaue to the property of an object
which is there in the Repository.
eg: browser("").page().webbutton("").setTOProperty
This property is used to get the run time proerty of an
eg: strval = Browser("").page("").webbutton
This property is used to get the particular property value
of an object which is present in the repository.
Eg:strval = Browser("").page("").webButton("").getTOproperty
SetROProperty is not existing in QTP.
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Answer / surya
Yes !st answer is wrong ....In QTP we hav only
Is This Answer Correct ? | 4 Yes | 1 No |
Answer / prathyusha
We don't have any SetRoProperty in QTP
We do have only SetTOProperty,GetRoProperty,GetToProperty,GetToProperties.
SetToProperty-- is used to update the property value of a test object but that updation will be only temporary.
B().P().WebButton().SetToPropery "Name","OK"
GetRoProperty-- Is used to get the property value of RuntimeObject
msgbox B().P().WebElement().GetRoPropery("inner text")
GetToPropery-- To get the property value of test object
GetToProperties-- To get the property values of all test object.It returns the collection
set allprops=B().P().webedit().GetToProperties
msgbox allprops.count
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Answer / umasankar
Objects in QTP are of two types.
1) Test Objects (Objects resided in Object repository, not
the exact replica of the objects resided in your
appliation. Qtp is having its own pre-defined set of
classes to identify the object(s), using the QTP classes an
object is added to repository)
2) Runtime objects (these are the exact replica of the
objects resided in your application).
GetRoProperty ---- This method is used to retrieve the
value of a runtime object (may get change during runtime)
GetToProperty ---- This method is used to retrieve the
value of test object resided inobject repository (wont
SetToProperty --- This method is used to set/change the
value of the object resided in object repository (change in
the property won't reflect change(s) in the property of
runtime object)
SetRoProperty --- Not advisible to use. change in the
property of actual object may lead(s) to wrong unnecessary
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SetToProperty - Sets the value of the property from the
output file(Ex:Excel) in your respestive text box for
current applciation.
SetRoProperty - Sets the values of the property at Runtime.
GetRoProperty - Retrives the value from the applciation and
it will store in your local sheet.
GetToProperty - Retrives the value of the runtime data of
Is This Answer Correct ? | 1 Yes | 14 No |
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