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Livetek Interview Questions
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hi all, i had a question, that how to find out hiding a coloumn in a table i had a table having the following column names NAME DESCRIPTION CREATED TIME CREATED USER if i right clicked on a NAME column it will displays a menu having the same column names in a list like NAME DESCRIPTION CREATED TIME CREATED USER with check boxes.if i unched any check box, that column name should not be appear in the main table column names could anyone please solve this problem?


how can i call reusable action in a function could any one explain me?

2 6362

Hello, How can i capture first letter of any string using QTP. For ex.. i want "j" in the below string "john" could any one explain me? Is there any function for that?

4 13591

how can i pass parameters into function?

4 15706

hi all can anyone explain how to write the code for finding the mandatory columns in table which are having (red*) (red Astrik)


How can I replace all the text from the QTP script with some other text.

1 3975

how can i replace any text from the qtp script with some anothere text

1 5004

How can I replace all the text from the QTP script with some other text. Is there any replace all function in QTP Any one can help me

5 13899

hi all here i have tab named "Workbench" By clicking on "workbench" displays 4 tabs like below workbench common cargo commercial charter "common" tab have 10tabs inside,"cargo" tab also haveing 15 tabs inside and remaining two tabs also having few tabs inside. when clicked on "common" displaying the script like tab("workbench").select"common" if i clicked on "cargo".it displaying the script like tab"workbench_2").select"cargo" if i clicked on "commercial".it displaying the script like tab"workbench_3").select"commercial" if i clicked on "charter".it displaying the script like tab"workbench_4").select"charter" I have used a "FOR LOOP" for common,commercial,cargo,charter was stopped at second tab SO, CAN I RECOGNIZE "WORKBENCH_2,_3,_4" AS A SINGLE VARIABLE if not, can anyone plese help me to solve this


hi all QTP recognizing objects as "string_1","string_2","string_3","string_4" like that but when using FOR LOOP for these.QTP not proceeding further can i declare these _1,_2,_3,_4 as a single variable

4 6541

QTP identifying the child tabs in a maintab like tab_1,tab_2,tab_3,tab_4 while using a for loop for these tabs.its not proceeding from _1 to _2. How can i use "for loop "

2 8204

There are two tabs in the application suppose, A and B.On clicking the tab "A" one table grid will open. if u click on tab "B" Another table gride will open. Now can I do some operations on both table grids with a single table grid properties in the object repository? I have added all objects of the first table grid into the object repository Now iam checking enable/disable status of "save button" in the second table grid my code is like this val=javawindow("zseries").javabutton("save").getroproperty ("enabled") when I highlighting the save button in the object repository by keeping open the second tablegrid on the application.It is displaying the popup message"The selected object can not be found in the application" can I use properties of one table grid for both tabs if so how it is possible. Can anyone help me

2 4250

Could any one tell me "How can i recognize my cursor position using QTP 9.2" Give me a scripts for this


How can i initiate the objects to find uniquely in OR


How can i count "spaces" in any sentence or a string if suppose " It is a Testing question" Here we have 4 gaps(spaces) Is there any function to find out spaces between words

5 18837

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