QTP Data Table Having 10 records with 10 to 15 fields(lets
say).now i want to get alternative records from datatable.pls
can any one answer it?
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Answer / veeranki naveen goud
set dtsheet1 = datatable.GetSheet(1)
rcount = dtsheet1.GetRowCount
ccount = dtsheet1.GetParameterCount
For i = 1 to rcount step 2
dtsheet1.SetCurrentRow i
For j =1 to ccount
n = dtsheet1.GetParameter(j).ValueByRow
msgbox n
Is This Answer Correct ? | 13 Yes | 0 No |
Answer / veeranki naveen goud
set dtsheet1 = datatable.GetSheet(1)
rcount = dtsheet1.GetRowCount
ccount = dtsheet1.GetParameterCount
For i = 1 to rcount step 2
dtsheet1.SetCurrentRow i
For j = 1 to ccount
n = dtsheet1.GetParameter(j).ValueByRow(i)
msgbox n
Veeranki Naveen,
Is This Answer Correct ? | 4 Yes | 1 No |
datatable.ImportSheet "C:UserspushkarDesktopBook1.xls","Sheet1","pushkar"
For i=1 to rw step 2
For j=1 to clm
msgbox a
Is This Answer Correct ? | 1 Yes | 0 No |
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Hi I am new to QTP. we are planning to implement automation for the application. I am trying to execute the following script: Set ExcelObj=CreateObject ("Excel.Application") ExcelObj.WorkBooks.Add Set NewSheet=ExcelObj.Sheets.Item(1) NewSheet.Name="Order" ExcelObj.Cells(1, 1).Value = "Name" ExcelObj.Cells(1, 2).Value = "Ordernum" ExcelObj.Cells(2, 1).Value = "nam" ExcelObj.Cells(2, 2).Value = "21" ExcelObj.ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs "c:\test1.xls" ExcelObj.Quit Set ExcelObj = Nothing in the above script for the line(ExcelObj.Cells(2, 2).Value = "21") it is inserting the value 21 successfully.this is fine But if i want to insert a variable instead of the constant value then what should be the modification in the script. For example: If user retrives a value throug "GetRoProperty" and wants to insert the value into then how the script changes?