what is the MF if CT ratio is 500/5 and in meter
specification is 3.75 REVS/KWH?
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What is depreciation factor?
what is the formula to convert from KVAr to current?
1 Answers Halcrow International Partnership,
How many types of timer ?which timer are used star delta feeder
Why the dc voltage drop during starting of emergency lube oil pump? The Voltage drop from 135kv to 125 kv for one min. before re-establish to 135kv?
What is the In door to Out door Sub Station.
sir i am pradeep singh from electrical branch and i want to place in software industry(tcs)but i dont know much about programmig languages like c c++.so how can i get a placement in software industry?
When can we take Neutral as common neutral link?
which types of tests are required after commissioning of 6.6 kva tranformer?
why dc motor is called constant flux motor?
Where is the center of magnetic field in alternator
how we can improve P.F. by using capacitors ?
what is meant by excitation current & armature current ? where its produce & how we can calculate ?