An invisible line should intersect a visible line with
what is the service corridor?
cinder filling or Brick Aggregate filling in sunken portion.which one is better
1 Answers Chenab Valley Power Projects,
What is full form of r.c.c?
How to calculate the quantity of cement,sand,aggregate for the area L*B*T are 15.24 m*21.36m*0.12m in the ratio 1:2:4 can any ine explain in detail by using formulas. Thanks in advance
Please can anybody let me know how to calculate cement, sand & aggregete content for one meter cube of concrete. please if possible provide calculations for cement in no. of bags, sand & aggregate in Thanks.
LET ME KNOW HOW IS CALCULATE RUBBLE WALL .3'00" IN BOTTOM 1' 6" IN TOP HEIGHT 8' 0" AVERAGE. length 200'00". please give correct answer.
What is a kip?
What are the applications of modulus of elasticity?
Design a cantilever type retaining wall to retain sand for 4m above the ground. The sand fall slopes at the rate of 1 vertical to 2 horizontal. The weight of sand is 18000 N/m3, the angle of repose being 30. The safe bearing capacity of the soil is 200 kn/m2 at 1/25m below the ground level. Use m 15 concrete mix.
0 Answers College School Exams Tests,
what is the metal ratio in granular subbase coarse for one cum ? And please explain the morth table ...what is the difference between grading 1 , 2, 3 what it means..plz explain
what is stub column ?