Design a cantilever type retaining wall to retain sand for
4m above the ground. The sand fall slopes at the rate of 1
vertical to 2 horizontal. The weight of sand is 18000 N/m3,
the angle of repose being 30. The safe bearing capacity of
the soil is 200 kn/m2 at 1/25m below the ground level. Use
m 15 concrete mix.
what or who influenced you in making your choice?
1 Cum Brick Work CM 1: 6 - How Many Bricks ,sand,Cement Required? Brick Size 9" 4.5" 3"
48 Answers Alcove Infrastructure, Anantha Infra, L&T, Microqual, Shoba Devlopers, SSC, UltraTech, Valdan, VVA Developers,
slump test report
quantity of cement required for M35 grade reinforced cement concrete
What was your synopsis for thesis topic?
Onsite percentage wastage of Concrete, Rebar, Blockwork/Brickwork, Plaster, Floor tiles ??
which tests for concrete pouring period at the site?
please send the model qn paper of jindal steel power in civil engineering..
In case if concrete box girder bridges how is the number of cells determined?
Wat is the optimum value of tensile strength of concrete after 28 days?
cud any one send me tech quest paper(civil engg) at
how many cement and sand required for 1m2 plastering 1:4 cm