GL posting as per order type :- Hi, We have a requirement
"For free of charge order zfd , all these orders should hit
one GL irrespective of movement type (it may 901 or 601)"
From G/L accounts data is not getting updated in special purpose ledger (data flow not happening for some company codes) what all may be the reasons ?? How to rectify it??
What concept of group asset while we having asset class
How do you create new status groups for capital spending accounts and revenue accounts? What are the steps and the T codes used?
What is sub ledger? How is it linked to GL?
What is tresurry bills ? how it works?
1).HI SAP GURUS CAN ANY BODY PROVIDE ME LSMW STEP IN SAP, HOW TO UPLOAD & ITS PROCESS? 2.A client having one (I) group company(phoenix group) (1)phoenix steels (2)phoenix mils,( 3) phoenix steels & he is having business branches in hyd & bangalore.How to configure company,company code level & chart of A/c Level? 3). A client having 3 bank a/c's 1 is sbi 2 is hdfc 3 is icici how to configure? pls it is an urgent. 4)we are doing configuration for client whether the data will save client server or local server?
IF BDCs fails in between the process what should be done next. with out effecting the old records which are updated.
What is a cost center group?
What are characteristics values? : co-pa
What is the indirect allocation method of postings in co? : co- cost center accounting
What is ment ny Service Tax Credit ? please explain in Detail
what is internal and external number ranges.