Actually i am confused that how to calculate the bending
moment for a semi-circular beam and curved slab.If any one
have a good idea about the matter,please give the answer
with a suitable example.
Thank you......
what is ment by surveying?
how to calculate the cement, sand, coarse aggregate required for one cubic meter of concrete?
what are the different concrete admixture
3 Answers Bharat Institutions,
Which type of question ask for written test for civil diploma trainee
in built up area basis what is ratio of concrete & steel ratio may be consider in per sqft quantity
How many types bend used in civil reinforcing
what is zero slump concrete
RCC colums of 15"X9" each, roof height 10.5'ft, total pillars 12 nons. Span between pillar to pillar is 14/20/20 length wise and 17/14 width wise. Total Slab area 2400 sft and plinth area is 1900 sft. beams are 12"X12". kindly calculate load factor per sqft.
2 Answers ABS Construction, L&T,
5. Two long boundary walls run parallel to each other at a center to center distance of 1 meter apart. The width and height of the first wall are 0.30 m and 2.5m respectively. While those of the second are respectively 0.18m and 3.5m. Plot the distribution of vertical stress intensity due to walls on a horizontal plane, 1m below ground level. The walls have negligible depth of foundation and are made of brick masonry (y = 19.2 kN/m cu)
What is the difference between the concrete mix design carried out by IS10262 and by ACI method ?
Why the height of the bridges over the river are very low?
1M2=how much M3?