Is it possible to obtain 480v or 550v in single phase
output by giving the input to 230v to a single phase
torodial type transformer without using a stepup
What is power factor why we should maintain the power factor unless what will happen
how bucchos relay works in a transformer
How many input terminal of single phase transformer.which is use for rural power distribution.
what is the maximum Load capasity in LV-Panel,MDB,SMDB & Final DB'S in Electrical disribution system?
Does outdoor isolator loose connection cause short circuit current in that circuit? if yes then how ??
Why the standard of ambient teperature mentioned as 40 degree celcius in machines.
when ELCB breaks the circuit than INVERTER auto-connect the circuit to the battery than how can the operetor is safe??
why commutator is attached with only dc macine
what is the clear formula to calculate cable size for a load
What is the difference between RCD & RCCB, Where it can be used
The potential difference between a phase and neutral is 230v , but the potential difference between two phases is 400v. why?