I m appointed as an automation trainee engineer in small firm
in that I am only the one , my company give me a project on
s7-200 as i m beginner I don't know how to program so please
send me the helpful site so that I complete my project
before deadline....please help me out in this critical
can anybody will tell me abiut PID controller.
why we use 3 wire rtd direct wiring for temperature measurement instead of temperature transmitter like bearing temperature
Hi Friends i am going to write BARC written test by this month 20th (20-5-2008). So please if any body knows the details about this or having previous question papers pls mail me to kkumarei@gmail.com. For Suggestions give one message to 9962122264
we callculat main steam flow by D.P. but where is H.P. & L.P. IN Orfics?
What is the expansion of RADAR? How it works?
Explain types of valves?
What is maintenance planning?
For 150 mtr cable run from DCS panel to transmitter (24 VDC with 4-20 ma output), need cable size. 1.5 sqmm is suitable?
Is it ok, to use non-contact type Radar type LT, on a tank that is half circular from the bottom side? If yes the, isn't the waves gonna bent in other directions?
0 Answers Process Control Technologies,
What is the difference between working pressure and calibration pressure of a control valve
What are different types of control valves?
what is load line in control valve?
3 Answers Boral, Qatar Petroleums,