When I post any transaction in F-02. Showing error as "No
amount tolerance range entered for company code" and if i
press enter again for the 2nd time, its showing error as
"Company code not assigned to country or country to
calculation procedure". Please provide me a solution for
For this I got the answer "remove tolerance group from GL
account and to assign some tax procedure to country with out
this sap system does not allow any transactions in system.so
procedure for assigning tax procedure is mentioned below.
--->Financial Accounting---->Financial A/c Global
Settings---->Tax on Sales/
Purchases---->Basic Settings---->Assaign Country to
Calculation Procedure---->
Select Position Button Country----> IN Press Enter
For Counry IN Assaign Procedure ----> TaxUS-Sales Tax
Select Save Button or CTRL+S. Press Enter to save in your
I've done following the same procedure
However, Now I am getting New error as "Maintain conversion
factors for EUR/INR (Currency type M)". I am unable to go
further. Please give me the solution for this?
(Thanks to Mr prasad for your valuable answer)
Answers were Sorted based on User's Feedback
Answer / ahmed mnzr
hi.do this
sapnetweaver->general settings->define country in my sap
system->sel country india-duble click-in the right side
there is a field hard currency in that type USD and save
then come back and do this
fin acntng new->ledgers->ledgers->define currency of
leading ledgers->new entries->cocd then enter and now in
the 2nd local currency fill this
crcy type-40
exchange rate-m
trs date-2
now do this
new enrty
ex frm to valid frm ratio(frm) ratio(to)
m usd inr 2day date 1 1
m ind usd 2day date 1 1
ex valid frm ratio from dir quote ratio to
m 2day date 1 usd 55 1 inr
m 2day date 1 inr 0.01818 1 usd
Is This Answer Correct ? | 4 Yes | 0 No |
Answer / chinna
1) please check the transaction codes oba0,oba3, oba4. just give co code and save in t codes oba0 and oba3. and in oba4 give co code and enter line item amounts and save.
2) please maintain calculation procedure in tcode: obbg for country IN as taxIN and save.
3) please maintain currency conversions for eur/inr in spro-net viewers-currencies select maintain currency conversions and save.
I hope this ans will solve your problem.
Is This Answer Correct ? | 3 Yes | 0 No |
Answer / malli
hai pavan,i think you are not maintain exchange rate type for foreign currency docs as 'M' for this you have go to OBA7 and select SA ,go to details on application bar and maintain exchange rate type for foreign currency docs as 'M'
Is This Answer Correct ? | 1 Yes | 0 No |
Answer / pavan kumar
Still the same error occurs as ""
"Maintain conversion
factors for EUR/INR (Currency type M)". I am unable to go
further. Please give me the solution for this?
Is This Answer Correct ? | 0 Yes | 0 No |
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