What is the Process to transfer IDOC from Outbound System
to Inbound system.
What are the types of search helps? : sap abap data dictionary
What are the types of subroutines? : abap modularization
What is the transaction code to modify the hr form
Difference between .Include and .append?
what is the significance of main window in a page, what are the types of windows? briefly explain the types of windows
differnce between user and customer exit
What is kernal badi? What is the difference between classic badi and kernal badi ? What is the advantages of kernal badi?
2 Answers Accenture, HBL Power Systems, IBM, Yash Technologies,
What is a data dictionary? : sap abap data dictionary
On which event we can validate the input fields in module programs?
how can we validate select-option ,,for high and low value , without using internal table..
What is the difference between scrolling a table horizontally and vertically?
why cluster tables are not buffered