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DELL Interview Questions
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what are the stages in Testing life cycle?

50 110825

what is the difference between Load,Stress and Volume Testing?

11 29853

For what purpose are the virtual users created ?

7 14831

What is bundle of His?

5 20892

What is the function of jugular veins?

1 13909

What is the function of Epiglottis?

2 9219

What are the female sex hormones secreted by ovary?

3 9108

What happens when a main method is declared as private?

22 57784

Differentiate between Server Transfer and Response Redirect?

2 10077

why should i hire u?

22 81051

May i know high priority&low seviarity,high seviarity&low priority

13 24558

What is your salary expectation

38 123312

Can an unreachable object become reachable again?

3 20978

what are active and Passive Components?

102 207439

tell about yourself, please do give with example .

40 119020

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DELL Interview Questions

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What are the techniques involved in using SAP supplied programs? Do you prefer to write your own programs to load master data? Why?


why does DMEM pH increase during Tissue culture ?


How big is a powerpoint slide?


Stringer How many cm goes to landind


how will you code the subfile which is in editing mode (multiple case subfile)?


Toxin X is released only in mature spores of a single fungus and only when both alleles at a single locus are present. The toxin is never observed when the alleles are together in hyphae or modified hyphae. What division is the fungus found in?


describe the A.C. Generator Testing procedure


In which order struts framework searches for a message bundle?


Explain some of the looping structures available in ruby?


State two different types of access modifiers.


What is Z transactions, and what is the use.Can u explain me what all we need to learn in logestic execution as SD consultant if we are showing shipment.


why not instantiating servet using new operator?


What is ph? What are the units of ph?


which best describes the optimize ad rotation setting in adwords?


What are the features of facelets used in jsf?