how to calculate micom relay earth falt time and current
what kn of disc is used in 33kv,132kv,220kv,400kv,800kv transmission line
are induction motor have poles? yes / no , why?
what is the difference between arc and spark
which meter used to measure a flus
how much insulation resistance 11kv & 33kv under ground cable between earth to phase & phase to phase.
i am using star-delta connections with reverse/forward direction motion of the 75hp induction motor.What should be the ratings of Main,Delta and Star contactors and why?
how can I calculate charging current of cable/overhead conductor? what is roll of voltage in it ?
how to calculate magnetic force genrated by a coil ?
Draw the equivalent circuit of crystal oscillator?
Hello Can I use step up HV transformer 440/4160V as a step down? Thanks Evgeny
how do you reduce the skin effect