Which IS Code/American Code applied for coupler test of steel
How to come 1.54 from dry to wet concrete?
to construct 1450 rft length of 6 feet wall how much cement sand and blocks are required????
What are the tests required to check the Quality of steel?
what is the anchorage length of reinforcement.
What is CRMB ? And how it is beneficial to the service life of the road?
what is civil enginnering & what you need of this course?
IF X = Cement ,Fine Aggregate & Coarse Aggregate are in taken in weights for batching. Y= Cement , Fine Aggregate & Coarse Aggregate are taken in volume for batching. Then what will be the relation between X and Y?
The corrosion resistance of a material is.
What is the Cement: sand: aggregate: water ratio for grade 30 (G30) concrete.
What is cementation
17. What is the thing that can disappoint you while working for a certain employer?
whats the field test of cement,aggregate and water