give me 5 different ways you can block the material from
creating a sales order
Answer / shriya
we can block the materila at palnt level in basic data 1;
sales level both distribution and divison as sales org 1;
we can block at sales document level but putting a block
on delivery; we can block at item category level ; we can
block through schdule lines ; we can block through listing
and exclusion by given exclusion indicatior int hecondtion
type ; we can block at substituion where you substitite the
material for some other material
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Hello frndz, i am learning sap sd and i would appreciate your assistance in very basic question to very complex ones.. for now i would like to understand the enterprise structure the relation between different organizational units like company, company code, sales organization, plant etc... and different types of master data in sap sd... it would be a great help if answer is provided with examples.. thank you in anticipation...