why we step down voltage level from 33kv to 11kv and 11kv
to 415v.Instead we can step down voltage from 33kv to 415v
directly using single transformer?
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Answer / ratnakar
we step up the voltage for reducing the losses,step down
level of voltages depending on applications&line length b/w
sub station to load centers.we can directly step down the
voltage from 33kv to 433v in various industrial applications
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if we need to step down from 33kv to 415V and same is
possible. but the problem is size of transformer due to
heavy current in secondary side. winding is required. this
will make the transformer bulky. not easy to transport to
load center along with various operation problem.
Is This Answer Correct ? | 4 Yes | 2 No |
Answer / edwin
i think it is a question of transformer availability.most
tx have standardised voltages.the other reason is safety.
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