A table has 150 records. How do you retrieve 100th row to
120th row from that table ?

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A table has 150 records. How do you retrieve 100th row to 120th row from that table ?..

Answer / ajit

select Ename, empno, rn
from (select rownum rn, ename, empno
from emp)
where rn between &gno and &gno

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A table has 150 records. How do you retrieve 100th row to 120th row from that table ?..

Answer / ajit nayak

select rn, ename
from (select rownum rn, ename
from emp)
where rn between 3 and 7;

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A table has 150 records. How do you retrieve 100th row to 120th row from that table ?..

Answer / sagar sananse

with admitCTE(AdmissionId,PatientId,RN) as
select AdmissionId,PatientId,Row_number() over (order by AdmissionId) as RN from tempadmit
select * from admitCTE where RN between 101 and 120

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A table has 150 records. How do you retrieve 100th row to 120th row from that table ?..

Answer / jayanth

select * from (select a.*, row_number() over (order by empno) rn from emp a) where rn between 100 and 120;

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A table has 150 records. How do you retrieve 100th row to 120th row from that table ?..

Answer / nancy

select * from (
select tn.*, rownum rd from emp tn ) where rd between 100 and 200;


select * From (select tn.* from emp tn where rownum <201
select tn.* from emp tn where rownum <100)

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A table has 150 records. How do you retrieve 100th row to 120th row from that table ?..

Answer / manjunath

select level from dual connect by level<=150
minus select from dual connect by level<=120;

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A table has 150 records. How do you retrieve 100th row to 120th row from that table ?..

Answer / sravan

select * from emp where rownum<151
minus(select * from emp where rownum<121)

Is This Answer Correct ?    13 Yes 14 No

A table has 150 records. How do you retrieve 100th row to 120th row from that table ?..

Answer / bhargav

SELECT Row_Number() OVER (ORDER BY emp_id, emp_name) as
FROM employees
) as a
where rowid >100 AND rowid<121

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A table has 150 records. How do you retrieve 100th row to 120th row from that table ?..

Answer / gourav


Is This Answer Correct ?    2 Yes 5 No

A table has 150 records. How do you retrieve 100th row to 120th row from that table ?..

Answer / sum

select * from employees where rownum between 100 and 120

Is This Answer Correct ?    2 Yes 15 No

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