A table has 150 records. How do you retrieve 100th row to
120th row from that table ?

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A table has 150 records. How do you retrieve 100th row to 120th row from that table ?..

Answer / laks

select * from emp where rownum<121
minus(select * from emp where rownum<101)

Is This Answer Correct ?    34 Yes 4 No

A table has 150 records. How do you retrieve 100th row to 120th row from that table ?..

Answer / swapna

select * from emp where rownum<121
minus (select * from empwhere rownum<100);

Is This Answer Correct ?    11 Yes 6 No

A table has 150 records. How do you retrieve 100th row to 120th row from that table ?..

Answer / d

select *
from (select rownum row_num
from table tab)
where row_num between 100 and 120

Is This Answer Correct ?    7 Yes 2 No

A table has 150 records. How do you retrieve 100th row to 120th row from that table ?..

Answer / subhradeep

select * from employees where rownum<102
minus(select * from employees where rownum<81)

Is This Answer Correct ?    2 Yes 0 No

A table has 150 records. How do you retrieve 100th row to 120th row from that table ?..

Answer / gourav josih

select *from employees
where employee_id between 120 and 150;

Is This Answer Correct ?    4 Yes 2 No

A table has 150 records. How do you retrieve 100th row to 120th row from that table ?..

Answer / nayana

select * from emp where rownum<121
minus(select * from emp where rownum<100)

Is This Answer Correct ?    1 Yes 0 No

A table has 150 records. How do you retrieve 100th row to 120th row from that table ?..

Answer / arif hussain

select * from (
select ROW_NUMBER() over (order by tablename.columnname)as ronno,* from tablename )x
where ronno between 100 and 120

Is This Answer Correct ?    1 Yes 0 No

A table has 150 records. How do you retrieve 100th row to 120th row from that table ?..

Answer / mohan

select * from table_name where rownum between 100 and 120;

Is This Answer Correct ?    2 Yes 2 No

A table has 150 records. How do you retrieve 100th row to 120th row from that table ?..

Answer / anjana

Select *,row_number over(partition by departmentid order by empid)as rowid from employeeDept
where rowid between 100 and 120

Is This Answer Correct ?    1 Yes 1 No

A table has 150 records. How do you retrieve 100th row to 120th row from that table ?..

Answer / srinivas

select * from(select <table_name>.*,rownum rn from <Table_name>) where rn between 100 and 120

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