How to pipe multiline string to isql?
what are the advantages of primary key over unique+notnull
7 Answers Consultancy, LGS, Oracle,
what is datawarehouse? : Sql dba
What is foreign key in sql with example?
How to sort the rows in sql.
How can we optimize a sql query?
column A column b | output 10 7 | 10 5 8 | 8 7 -9 | 7 3 5 | 5 0 6 | 6 Write a sql query to print such output.
take one table is t1 and in that column name is f1 f1 column values are 200 5000 3000 7000 300 600 100 400 800 400 i want display the values asc and desc in a single output. sample output is f1.a 100 200 300 400 500 600 etc...... and f1.d is 5000 4000 3000 2000 1000 etc...
what is an index? : Sql dba
Are stored procedures faster than queries?
Write a sql select query that only returns each name only once from a table?
What is before trigger?
What does stand for in sql?