Hi, i
want to
know is
meant by
How it
calculated ?
How we
Answer / guest
without changing in voltage and curent rating
using accruit valu resistance
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why occ characteristics of generator is also called as magnatization characteristics ?
why voltage rating not mention at HPSV or HPMV lamps?
why capacitor offer reactance to alternating current?
wat s the difference between diode and capacitor
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I have 30KW Motor Starter Panel, System voltage is 480V, So i have to convert voltage 480 to 220V to give the contactor coil. How i can select control transformer, Which rating transformer i can use this panel, what is the procedure, please tell me.
why motor burns ?
How to check phase R,Y,B
what are the maximum available current, voltage ratings and switching speeds of the power electronic devices thyristor, power mosfet, igbt, and mct?
what is diffential relay? testing proceure?and transformer reach Over load thet time differencilal relay operate or not ?
selection of conductor in different voltage?
What is transister define the transister ammiter ,base, colector.