Under linux environment can u please provide a c code for
computing sum of series 1-2+3-4+5......n terms and
-1+2-3+4-5...n terms..

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Under linux environment can u please provide a c code for computing sum of series 1-2+3-4+5......n ..

Answer / sudhanshu_kmr


int main()

int i,n,sum=0;
printf("\n Enter the n: " );

if(i%2==0) /* for series is -1 +2 -3.......*/
sum= sum+i;
sum = sum-i;

printf(" Sum of %d terms is %d \n",n,sum);

return 0;

/* For series 1 - 2 +3 ....
then use

sum= sum -i;
sum = sum +i;


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Under linux environment can u please provide a c code for computing sum of series 1-2+3-4+5......n ..

Answer / sai prasad raju

I will not tell u.
Why should i tell?

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