create a login program that ask username and password. if you
input username or password 3 times wrong, the program will
terminate else the program will prompt a message

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create a login program that ask username and password. if you input username or password 3 times w..

Answer / lokesh ketha

void main()
char u[10],p[10],user[]="lokesh",pas[]="spiderman";
int n=0;
printf("\n press enter and enter username and password(only
3 attempts)");
printf("\n Username: ");
printf("\n Password: ");
if(strcmp(user,u)==0 && strcmp(pas,p)==0)
printf("\n Congratulations!");
printf("\n the username or password is incorrect. only %d
trials left. press enter", 3-n);
printf("\n you have used maximum attempts(3). please try

Is This Answer Correct ?    31 Yes 19 No

create a login program that ask username and password. if you input username or password 3 times w..

Answer / atit

I was using by educational purpose

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