what questions are asked in the interview for the post of an
electrical maintenance engineer in FMCG companies?
what will happen if u run induction motor beyond its rated speed
13 Answers Adani, BARC, Bescom,
A 10 kva ,400v/200V , single phase transformer with 10% leakage impedance draws a steady short -circuit line current of
i need bhel question papers.
For 6600/433 distribution transformer we apply secondary side 433 volts how much voltage in primary side.
What is required of exietation to the alternater.
what is the purpose of using semiconductors in HT cables
What is an Automatic Voltage Regultor & what is its use? What are the general componets we use to design an Automatic Voltage Regulator..What are the factors to be considered for its design?
who invented electricity?
what is meant by flywheel and its role in retardation test
3Cx240 & 3Cx300 sqmm Al. cable from lv side. What is the calculation for this cable??
For having nonavailablity of 10 Amps fuse, a lineman replace the same with 5Amps two strand, Do he correct ?