Can i have some Realtime Scenarios on Reports.
When we copy any Driver Program from Nace............when we copy into zprog,when we activate how it was linking to that particular std layout............what happening to the previous driver prog?
How do I find the output type of a table or a program?
Why first check bapi , if not available go bdc ?
I need some information regarding Vcentric Test pattern ? with questions.
0 Answers vCentric Technologies,
How to create a link between modified form and modified print program?
Have you printed any report?
Can we specify the next screen number with a variable?
Is der any other criteria for using For All Entries except if not itab is initial?
when is the POV AND POH event used?
what are logical and physical databases
Can a transparent table exist in data dictionary but not in the data base physically?
where to find userexits for sd releated module in realtime?