can we replace a slot sensor (inductive type) with limit
switch (potenial free contact / no-nc type).
why we r opening HOT BYPASS valve during startup of a compressor?
What is maintenance planning?
What is the diffrence between ff tx and non ff tx
our kks tagging is crossing more than 12 character please suggest how to take tags in the DCS
What is Predictive Maintenance
Different between control valve and mov
what is meant by calibration
How to find out the current of two motors having same power consumption but different RPM?
different between calibration range and instrument range ?
how to measure flow with dp
why to use 3 wire at RTD ? what's the reason for common wire ?
i have one absolute pressure transmitter for the range is -400mmhg to 400mmhg. If i do the zero trim at atmosphere the transmitter should be give 4ma or 12ma? which one is correct?