What is difference between R/3 security and HR security?
Explain in detail or its importance?
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Answer / surender reddy.c
The difference b/w R/3 n HR security is in R/e we can
restrict authorisation through auth objects and fields and
values. In HR also using objects but restricting through
infotypes and personal area' define in HR ORG structure.
More over in hR having restirction through structure
profiles also.
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Answer / hyma v sangaru
In R/3 the Security is through General Auth. profile and in
HR Security it is a combination of Structural Auth Profile
and General Auth. Profile .
General Auth. Profile is restricted through Object and
field values . Structural Profile is data model based on
different object types and thier relationships which are
components of Personnel Management i.e 1. Organization
Management 2. Personnel Development AND 3. Time and Event
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