
I want to pass a value in to Link object.
For ex:

I have a link where in which contains the value
like "DC4463219(Active)".
Whenever i will execute the script this value "DC4463219
(Active)" will get changed.

I got the value DC4463219(Active) from the link and stored
that value in variable "ACTUAL".

If i want to select the same link again, while recording
the value DC4463219(Active) will be recorded in object
repository. So, that it will not work for the next cycle of
execution as the value will get changed everytime as i
mentioned above.

I want to pass that Acutal value in to link object. The
script is as follows:

Actual Script when recording:

Browser("Web Login").Page("Application").Frame

But now instead of this DC4463219(Active) i want to pass a
variable where i have the same value.

I tried to execute the script
Browser("Web Login").Page("Application").Frame
But it is displaying the error message as that the value
which we got from Actual is not existing in Object
repository. So,i made the link object as regular expression.

Even it is displaying the same message as mentioned above.

If you are not able to understand, feel free to contact me
with nbabu11@gmail.com

Hi, I want to pass a value in to Link object. For ex: I have a link where in which contains t..

Answer / tvs ramakrishna chowdary

hello balu ur problem get solved by regular expression
1)Go to Object Repository
2)Select Link Object
3)In the object properties pane(right side of window)
4)select text property of link
5)in the value portion select the configure value button
6)change the constant value DC4463219(Active)
with .*(Active)
7)select the checkbox Regular expression
8)click ok
9)close object repository
now u run ur script...I am sure it will work fine...

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