what is hystersis loss?
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Answer / baljinder singh
in an alternating system direction of current is changeable
according to supply frequency.when core is magnetize in one
half cycle then other half cycle core magnetize in opposite
direction. In that case magnet reverse is occur .At that time
current is zero but magnetizing is not ,so some extra power
is require to demagnetizing it .It is called hystersis loss.
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Answer / avinash
Alternating magnetising current keeps reversing direction twice per cycle. Hysteresis is property of magnetic material due to which the induced magnetic field reverses but with a magnetization gap called hysteresis. During the delay there is no induction of magnetic field to secondary current hence loss of output called hysteresis loss. It is a loss of energy that does not appear at the output. Where does it go? It goes as heat, and that is not a good sign.
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