what will happen when square wave is fed into input side of 3kva transformer and what you will get on output side.
3 5868Whether earthmat designning is done only for sub station or it can be done for multy residential complexes also? What is the size, type & arrangement of the earth grid to be done?
1 2798Help need in transformer !? Hello Friends The parameters of 2300/230 v 50hz t/f is R1=0.286 ohm R`2=0.319 ohm Rc=240 ohm X1=0.73 ohm X`2=0.73 ohm Xm=49.2 ohm Secondary Load impedance ZL=0.387+J0.29 solve the exact equivalent circuit with normal voltage across primery.. I know every thing but i cant find CURRENT I1=? and I`2=? Please help me give solution or only Formula please please...
2743Why we are not placing c.B 's btwn generator and transformer.? what happens when generator gets disconnected from transformer when it is running @ full load?
3 5612Instead of single phase(220), if apply Phase to phase supply (eg: for lighting fixture). what will be the power formula? what will be the volt and current value? please explain me with some example.
1 2540Post New Electrical Engineering Questions
sir i had plane to do some project with the base of hopkinson test in AC supply its possible
in power generator normaly voltagr betwween esth to neutral is 0 but my work place generator show the volatge is 60v any body know why? thanks
why power not passes in plastic and rubber material
Don't you have similar question banks related to Oral Certification Examination conducted by Mercantile Marine Departments / Directorate of Shipping, Ministry of Shipping for Electro Technical Officer?
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How to test the vector group of a Yd11 transformer? what are the relations to be checked between various vectors to confirm this vector group?
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can we conduct the swineburne's test on a dc series motor? why?
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How do u analyse protection fault when vcb tripping on load
what shoud be strength and weakness to impress interviewer????????