Electrical Engineering Interview Questions
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What is the difference bet ween EDO Type & MDO type ACBs, and what is the advantage EDO Type over than MDO type ACBs.


2 61987

how brushed dc motor operating ?


how brushless dc motor is operating ?

4 5702

We have a 33/11kv switchyard having 12.5 MVA power transformer. We export & import power through this transformer. When we export power, the PF will be depend on GRID PF & when we import power the PF will be depend on our load PF. but the problem is that,when neither we export nor import but our 33KV vCB is in close position,our meter read the power factor 0.14 to 0.25 at that moment. So how can be we improve the power factor at that moment.

3 5825

what happens if power factor is maintained at 0.9?give me the answer in technicall way rather than telling the penality n all


5 9534

what is the use of static frequency converter and static excitation equipment? and where it is employed? for what?



What is ac and dc drive.

1 6941

What is plc.

2 4661

What is ht lt switchgear.

Bhel, HBL Power Systems,

3 31492

What is lighting kitts.


Why use only DC supply to charge batteries why not AC Supply??

APC, Emerson,

3 7150

can any one suggest paper presentation topies for electrical engg?


1.what is the easiest way to convert AH(ampere hour)to watts?.

2 4692

1.What will be stored in online ups EPROM IC?



1.How to calculate backup time from series connected battery of 12v dc with 26Ah for 2battery?

3 9361

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Un-Answered Questions { Electrical Engineering }

What is the minimum distance to be maintained in between HT panel and LT panel and Instrument panel as per IEC and NEC standards?


What are the protection required for Transformer, motor, Line, Generator, capacitor, that all i have to refer which standard?(Like Transformer detail IS 2026)


how the testing of protection CT Testing done through Primary injection kit please describe in detail procedure...


write down the formula of cable size in RM if current is 50Amp.


A 100 kVA , 400 v/250 kv testing transformer has 8% leakage reactance and resistance on 100 KVA base . A cable has to be tested at 500 kv using the above transformer as a resonant transformer at 50 hz . if the charging current of the cable at 500 kv is 0.4 A find the series inductance required . Assume 2% resistance for the inductor to be used and the connecting leads . Neglect dielectric loss of hte cable . what will be the input voltage to the transformer ?


a simple c++ program to calculate simple interst with its data members as private


we have consol make 3 phase servo stabilizer for cnc m/c. while installing the earth neutral voltage is 1.7 volts at stbilizer off condition and when stabilizer get on en voltage reaches 4.8 volts (new earthing is done and neutral is helthy condition all phase to neutral volts 440,442,441 v)why this happen.solution for cause.


what is the pre charge circuit,what will be work which function it will be use plz tell me


Pl. give me checklist for installation & commissioning of machine tool.


How many types are using in 220kv/400 kv swith yard


why dimmerstate always connected in star connection? what will happen if it connected in delta?


How to select a contactor? How many types of contactors are available


how to get electrical supervisour certificate in gujarat


In the N-series schneider reclosers. What is the difference between current during fault time and current at tripping? This appears in the Event log in an event of a trip out.


Dear sirs, pls check this 4-20ma to RS485 module datasheet,pls guve me some suggestions. http://www.szsunyuan.com/sy/pro_more.asp?Productid=539 Thanks. E-mail:yunianjiang99@gmail.com