Electrical Engineering Interview Questions
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If the characteristic Impedance is equal to load Impedance then…… a) voltage will be increased b) power transmission is zero c) …… d) max. power is transmission to load

2 5075

The normal highest generated voltage in India is a) 6.6KV b) 132KV c) 11KV

13 25265

The corona effect is more in a) summer b) winter c) dry weather d) humidity weather


10 16338

ynchronous M/C with under excitation with reactive power absorption , acts as a) synch. Motor b) synch gen c) synchr capacit

4 4606

Why size of HT cable is less then LT cable inspite of the fact that voltage is higher in HT cable?


2 7622

How will I know that how many batteries I should connect to my UPS unit?

3 8377

A 25MVA 3300/400V T/F is termed as per winding is …… a) primary 3300V & Secondary 400V b) primary 3300V & low voltage winding 400V c) High voltage winding 3300V & Secondary 400V d) High voltage winding 3300V & low voltage winding 400V

Engineers India Limited,

4 5766

Buchholz relay is used ………. a) protection T/F b) oil T/F c) Air core T/F

Engineers India Limited,

8 14450

Resistor switching is used in which type Circuit Breaker ? a) oil filled CB b) Air blast CB c) Gas filled CB

Engineers India Limited, wbsedcl,

11 29380

In EHV tranm. The conductors are …….. a) Cu roads b) Cu bars with Si c) Cu tube with Si plate

Engineers India Limited,

2 4951

the max. power will be transferred if …… a) sending end vol. is high b) receiving end v is high c)…….. d) corona loss is least

Engineers India Limited,

2 4791

Moving Iron instruments are applicable with a) DC only b) AC only c) DC & AC

Bhel, Engineers India, Engineers India Limited,

14 15997

. The string effcy in AC sys is 80% Then for same power, the string effcy in dc sys is a) less than 80% b) 80% c) more than 80% d) zero

Engineers India Limited,

1 2280

The temperature rise in the sys, which leads to ….. a) Increases stress& length b) increases stress but decreases length c) Decreases stress & increase length d) decrease stress & length

Engineers India Limited,

1 3266

According to underground cables a) stress b/w sheath & conductor is high b) inrush of core & conductor

CDS, Engineers India Limited, TNQ,


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