Programming Code Interview Questions
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int aaa() {printf(“Hi”);} int bbb(){printf(“hello”);} iny ccc(){printf(“bye”);} main() { int ( * ptr[3]) (); ptr[0] = aaa; ptr[1] = bbb; ptr[2] =ccc; ptr[2](); }

1 8072

main() { int i=5; printf(“%d”,i=++i ==6); }

1 10896

main() { char p[ ]="%d\n"; p[1] = 'c'; printf(p,65); }

2 16550

void ( * abc( int, void ( *def) () ) ) ();

1 6038

main() { while (strcmp(“some”,”some\0”)) printf(“Strings are not equal\n”); }

1 5231

main() { char str1[] = {‘s’,’o’,’m’,’e’}; char str2[] = {‘s’,’o’,’m’,’e’,’\0’}; while (strcmp(str1,str2)) printf(“Strings are not equal\n”); }

1 5239

main() { int i = 3; for (;i++=0;) printf(“%d”,i); }


1 12096

void main() { int *mptr, *cptr; mptr = (int*)malloc(sizeof(int)); printf(“%d”,*mptr); int *cptr = (int*)calloc(sizeof(int),1); printf(“%d”,*cptr); }

1 5751

void main() { static int i; while(i<=10) (i>2)?i++:i--; printf(“%d”, i); }

2 12707

main() { int i=10,j=20; j = i, j?(i,j)?i:j:j; printf("%d %d",i,j); }

Adobe, CSC,

2 24274

1. const char *a; 2. char* const a; 3. char const *a; -Differentiate the above declarations.

3 4701

main() { int i=5,j=10; i=i&=j&&10; printf("%d %d",i,j); }

1 12343

main() { int i=4,j=7; j = j || i++ && printf("YOU CAN"); printf("%d %d", i, j); }

1 7496

main() { register int a=2; printf("Address of a = %d",&a); printf("Value of a = %d",a); }

3 8150

main() { float i=1.5; switch(i) { case 1: printf("1"); case 2: printf("2"); default : printf("0"); } }

2 12151

Un-Answered Questions { Programming Code }

i don't know about working of nested for loop can any one help me


plz send code for feature rich resume builder in j2ee frontend:J2EE Backend: DB2 Express


how to create a search bar which access data from various websites and retrieves the data


how exactly is the lngColour used?


write a c program to input initial & final time in the format hh:mm and find the time intervel between them? Ex inputs are initial 06:30 final 00:05 and 23:22 final 22.30


We need to write the function to check the password entered is correct or not based on the following conditions.. a) It must have atleast one lower case character and one digit. b)It must not have any Upper case characters and any special characters c) length should be b/w 5-12. d) It should not have any same immediate patterns like abcanan1 : not acceptable coz of an an pattern abc11se: not acceptable, coz of pattern 11 123sd123 : acceptable, as not immediate pattern adfasdsdf : not acceptable, as no digits Aasdfasd12: not acceptable, as have uppercase character


i have a gird with columns all are coming from database,this will bind in item templete in gridview as textboxex.and i have button below named Update.i want to update all the records in the grid,but if user change the value of one textbox,what is the easy way 2 do this


create a C-code that will display the total fare of a passenger of a taxi if the driver press enter,the timer will stop. Every 10 counts is 2 pesos. Initial value is 25.00


How can I Draw an ellipse in 3d space and color it by using graph3d?


Write code to add functions, which would work as get and put properties of a class?


write a program that creates a sequenced array of numbers starting with 1 and alternately add 1 and then 2 to create the text number in the series , as shown below. 1,33,4,6,7,9,............147,148,150 Then , using a binary search , searches the array 100 times using randomly generated targets in the range of 1 to 150


I need your help, i need a Turbo C code for this problem.. hope u'll help me guys.? Your program will have a 3x3 array. The user will input the sum of each row and each column. Then the user will input 3 values and store them anywhere, or any location or index, temporarily in the array. Your program will supply the remaining six (6) values and determine the exact location of each value in the array. Example: Input: Sum of row 1: 6 Sum of row 2: 15 Sum of row 3: 24 Sum of column 1: 12 Sum of column 2: 15 Sum of column 3: 18 Value 1: 3 Value 2: 5 Value 3: 6 Output: Sum of Row 1 2 3 6 4 5 6 15 7 8 9 24 Sum of Column 12 15 18 Note: Your program will not necessary sort the walues in the array Thanks..


import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; public class Agency extends Frame implements ActionListener { Label l1,l2,l3,l4; Button b1; TextField t1,t2; String s1,s2,s3,s4; public static void main(String args[]) { new Agency().setVisible(true); } public Agency() { super("Gas Agency Package"); setSize(1280,800); setBackground(Color.lightGray); setLayout(null); // setLayout(new BorderLayout()); t1=new TextField(20); t1.setBounds(440,150,200,30); t1.setBackground(Color.white); t2=new TextField(20); t2.setBounds(440,180,200,30); t2.setBackground(Color.white); t2.setEchoChar('*'); l1=new Label("Gas Agency Package"); l1.setBounds(400,30,300,50); l1.setFont(new Font("TimesRoman",Font.BOLD,25)); l1.setAlignment(Label.CENTER); l2=new Label("Enter your ID and Passoword"); l2.setFont(new Font("TimesRoman",Font.BOLD,20)); l2.setBounds(270,80,300,50); l3=new Label("Enter ID"); l2.setFont(new Font ("TimesRoman",Font.BOLD,20)); l3.setBounds(270,150,120,50); l4=new Label("Enter Passoword"); l2.setFont(new Font ("TimesRoman",Font.BOLD,20)); l4.setBounds(270,180,140,50); add(l1); add(l2); add(l3); add(t1); add(l4); add(t2); b1=new Button("Login"); b1.setBackground(Color.white); b1.setBounds(400,280,100,70); b1.addActionListener(this); add(b1); } public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { if(e.getSource()==b1) { s3="svce"; s4="svce"; s1=t1.getText(); s2=t2.getText(); if(s1.equals(s3) && s2.equals(s4)) { //System.out.println("password is correct"); MenuForm m= new MenuForm(); m.setVisible(true); //this.dispose(); } else { System.out.println("password not correct"); } this.dispose(); } } } plzzzzzzz xplain me this java code like why i m including this packages n the whole code plzzzzzz


i am doing my final year project about programming use verilog ,i am new about it so got problem,i want to record the readings of a waveform every 2us use the verilog code ,every ten readings i need to add them together after that i need to compare this series of number to get which one is the biggest , right now i don't know how to use code to store the readings every 2us on a waveform ,pls help me thanks a lot .


write a c program which takes 20 numbers in an array as input from user and rearrange them in two different array defining even or odd