Programming Code Interview Questions
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What is the functionality of FindWindow?


What is the functionality of EnumChildWindows?


What is the functionality of EnumWindows?


What is the functionality of GetDesktopWindow?


What is the functionality of SetForegroundWindow?


What is the functionality of SendMessage?


What is the functionality of GetWindowText?


What is the functionality of GetWindowTextLength?


What is the functionality of GetWindow?


What is CDC?

2 2569

What is Telematics?

2 2380

What is the J2ME platform?

1 2154

J2ME defines two configurations - CLDC and CDC. Explain them

1 2342

What are profiles in J2ME?

1 2047

What is Java Community Process (JCP)?

1 2376

Un-Answered Questions { Programming Code }

3. Program to find the Sum of give series. a. (1)+(1+2)+(1+2+3)+(1+2+3+4)+……………………………….. b. 1/1+1/9+1/25+1/49+……………...


Give me some tips in c#?


write a c program which takes 20 numbers in an array as input from user and rearrange them in two different array defining even or odd


Cluster head selection in Wireless Sensor Network using C programming language.


Given a spherical surface, write bump-mapping procedure to generate the bumpy surface of an orange


What is the functionality of EnumChildWindows?


Question 1: Implement a base class Appointment and derived classes Onetime, Daily, Weekly, and Monthly. An appointment has a description (for example, “see the dentist”) and a date and time. Write a virtual function occurs_on(int year, int month, int day) that checks whether the appointment occurs on that date. For example, for a monthly appointment, you must check whether the day of the month matches. Then fill a vector of Appointment* with a mixture of appointments. Have the user enter a date and print out all appointments that happen on that date. *This Should Be Done IN C++


solve the problem in the programming language C++"if a five digit number is input through the keyboard.Write a program to calculate the sum of its digits(hint: use the modulus operator)


1.Why does only one copy of a servlet object get created? What happens if you want to remove an old servlet object currently running but do not want to stop the entire servlet engine? 2.How does one servlet object deal with interactions from many browser? (e.g. if your servlet ran an email site, how can it keep track of hundreds of users logging in, reading their mail, etc.)


how to insert fname,lname,designation values into database while click on the submit button using windows authentication mode?


How to add a value from textBox over an existing certain column in SQL Server


Write a simple encryption program using string function which apply the substitution method.


How to find No of classes,Packages,No of Methods per Classes and Depth of Inheritance for selecting source code in windows form application using c# .net? (Source code is input Program. It may be Java or .net) Please help me..) Thanks..)


write a program to calculate the amount of investment after a period n years if the principal investors was p and interest is calculated using compound interest,formular=a=p(1+r)^n


write a program in java to solve a system of n-variabled simultaneous equations using the guassian elimination method. let the maximum possible value of n be 100. run the program using hypothetical values for a set of 10- variables simultaneous equations. print out the program, the input equation and the results generated by the program.