AI Languages Interview Questions
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 Explain LISP-Vectors?

1 1589

 Explain what is the property list in LISP?

1 1987

 Mention what are the two pre-defined packages used in LISP?

1 1822

Explain what is slot and what are the most commonly used slot options?

1 1600

Explain what is CLOS in LISP? What are the goals of the common lisp object system?

1 1507

 Explain what is setq is used for in LISP?

1 1828

Which is used to build the lisp procedures? a) Data b) Primitives c) Definition d) None of the mentioned

1 2008

 Which primitive removes all but the last element from the list? a) Last b) First c) Remove d) Revoke

1 2048

 What is a symbol thought of as a name for a place to store value? a) Data b) Variable c) Parameters d) None of the mentioned

1 1919

How many types of variables are available in lisp? a) 1 b) 2 c) 3 d) 4

1 1934

What are the variables that are bound and that have values assigned to them? a) Data b) Variable c) Parameters d) None of the mentioned

1 1948

 What is the output of the following statement? * (setf meals ‘(breakfast lunch tea dinner)) * (cons (first meals) (last meals)) a) Breakfast b) Lunch c) Dinner d) Both a & c

1 3620

What is the output of the following statement? * (setf whole-list ‘(monday tuesday wednesday thursday friday)) * (defun both-ends ()(setf whole-list (cons (first whole-list) (last whole-list)))) a) Monday b) BOTH-ENDS c) Friday Monday d) Monday Friday

1 1748

 What is the output of the following statement? * (defun both-ends-with-special ()(setf whole-list (cons (first whole-list) (last whole-list)))) * (setf whole-list ‘(monday tuesday wednesday thursday friday)) * (both-ends-with-special) a) Monday b) Friday c) Wednesday d) Both a & b

1 1556

 What is the output of the following statement? * (setf meals ‘(breakfast lunch tea dinner)) * (first meals) a) Breakfast b) Lunch c) Tea d) Dinner

1 1690

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Un-Answered Questions { AI Languages }

Explain List of programming languages for artificial intelligence?


Explain List of artificial intelligence projects?


What are the different nlp tasks deep learning can be applied?


What is the output of the given statement? * (defclass article() ((title :accessor article-title :initarg :title) (author :accessor article-author :initarg :author))) * (defclass computer-article (article) ()) * (defclass business-article (article) ()) * (defclass political-article (article) ()) * (setf articles (list (make-instance ‘business-article :title “Memory Prices down”))) a) Business article b) Political article c) Business article


What does the language of fopl consist of?