Which primitive removes all but the last element from the list?
a) Last
b) First
c) Remove
d) Revoke
Which creates reader procedures for getting things out of an instance fields? a) Structure in LISP b) Defstruct c) Class d) Object
Explain what is backtracking in Prolog?
What is the process of arranging procedures into layers? a) Procedure b) Abstraction c) Abstraction layers d) Procedure abstraction
What is the output of the given statement? * (defstruct circle (radius 0)) * (defun area (figure) (cond ((circle-p figure) (* pi (expt (circle-radius figure) 2))))) * (setf circle (make-circle :radius 11)) * (area circle) a) 44 b) 380 c) 382 d) 380.132
Mention who is referred as a Member in Prolog?
Which has a template that calls for particularly peculiar argument evaluation? a) COND b) Consequent c) Trigger d) Sphere
What is the output of the following statement? * (setf thing ‘point r 1) * (case thing (circle (*pi r r))(sphere (* 4 pi r r))) a) 1 b) 12.56637 c) NIL d) T
Which is present in the writer procedure for arrays in LISP? a) Setf b) Aref c) Fref d) Both a & b
What is the output of the following statement? * (first ‘( p h w)) a) P b) H c) W d) phw
Explain what is setq is used for in LISP?
What is the output of the given statement? * (setf pressure 3) * (when-plusp pressure (print ‘alarm)); a) Alarm b) Alarm Alarm c) 1 d) Nil
Which keyword is used to define macro procedures in LISP? a) Defun b) Demacro c) Defmacro d) None of the mentioned