Which is used to build the lisp procedures?
a) Data
b) Primitives
c) Definition
d) None of the mentioned
Explain what is the importance of the hash table in LISP?
What is the output of the given statement? * (defclass article() ((title :accessor article-title :initarg :title) (author :accessor article-author :initarg :author))) * (defclass computer-article (article) ()) * (defclass business-article (article) ()) * (defclass political-article (article) ()) * (setf articles (list (make-instance ‘business-article :title “Memory Prices down”))) a) Business article b) Political article c) Business article
Which keyword is used to construct an array in LISP? a) Array b) Make-array c) Bins d) Make
What is the output of the following statement? * (setf p .6) * (cond ((> p .75) ‘very-likely)((> p .5) ‘likely)((> p .25) ‘unlikely)(t ‘very-unlikely)) a) Very-likely b) Likely c) Unlikely d) Very-unlikely
Explain what is a predicate in LISP?
Explain what is Local Variables?
Which symbol holds the first element and also an index in LISP? a) Nail b) Tail c) Initial d) All of the mentioned
What is the output of the given statement? * (defun when-plusp-with-bug (number result); (when (plusp number) result)); * (setf pressure -2) * (when-plusp-with-bug pressure (print ‘alarm)) a) Alarm b) Nil c) Both a & b d) None of the mentioned
What is the output of the given statement in LISP? * (setf part (make-array ‘(8 8))) a) 8 b) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 c) 0 0 0 0 d) 8 rows of 0
What is a data type in which expressions are stored in places identified by integer indexes in LISP? a) Structure b) List c) Array d) None of the mentioned
Which is uses their arguments to build intermediate forms and evaluating them to produce a value? a) Backquote b) Macros c) List d) Procedures
Which class can help to select a method? a) Nonoptional argument b) Class c) Method d) None of the method