AI Languages Interview Questions
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Tell Me In Autocad Software How Can U Find All Command List And How Can You Change Them Like L For Line After Changing You Can Use LLP As a Line Command


Explain List of programming languages for artificial intelligence?


Explain List of artificial intelligence projects?


Explain what is LISP? Give an example of some of the popular applications built in LISP?

1 2417

Why LISP is used for Artificial Intelligence?

1 2184

Demonstrate with an example how you can code in LISP?

1 1602

 What is the programming structure for LISP?

1 1731

 How data types are categorized in LISP?

1 2148

Mention how many types of variables available is LISP? Explain what are the variables that are bound, and that have values assigned to them?

1 1946

Explain what is Local Variables?

1 1646

Explain what is LISP constants?

1 1819

 Is it possible to call LISP functions from other languages?

1 2539

Mention what are the three functions required by LISP?

1 2475

Explain what is a predicate in LISP?

1 1631

 Explain what is the importance of the hash table in LISP?

1 1944

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Un-Answered Questions { AI Languages }

Explain List of artificial intelligence projects?


What are the different nlp tasks deep learning can be applied?


What does the language of fopl consist of?


What is the output of the given statement? * (defclass article() ((title :accessor article-title :initarg :title) (author :accessor article-author :initarg :author))) * (defclass computer-article (article) ()) * (defclass business-article (article) ()) * (defclass political-article (article) ()) * (setf articles (list (make-instance ‘business-article :title “Memory Prices down”))) a) Business article b) Political article c) Business article


Explain List of programming languages for artificial intelligence?