What is a symbol thought of as a name for a place to store value?
a) Data
b) Variable
c) Parameters
d) None of the mentioned
What is partly embedded in the knowledge of your programming for manipulating applications? a) Programming cliches b) Procedures c) Abstraction d) Data
Mention what are the three functions required by LISP?
How many types of variables are available in lisp? a) 1 b) 2 c) 3 d) 4
Explain what is setq is used for in LISP?
Why LISP is used for Artificial Intelligence?
Pick out the correct statement about macro. a) Macro is dependant. b) Macro is interoperable c) Macro is complex d) Macro deserve their own file
Explain what is backtracking in Prolog?
Demonstrate with an example how you can code in LISP?
Mention what is Cut (!) in Prolog and what is the advantage of ‘Cut’ and ‘Negation’?
Explain what is recursion in Prolog?
What is the output of the given statement? * (defstruct circle (radius 0)) * (defun area (figure) (cond ((circle-p figure) (* pi (expt (circle-radius figure) 2))))) * (setf circle (make-circle :radius 11)) * (area circle) a) 44 b) 380 c) 382 d) 380.132
What is the output of the following statement? * (defun book-author (book) (second book)) * (setf book-example-1 ‘((Artificial Intelligence) (Patrick) (Technical AI))) * (book-author book-example-1) a) Artificial Intelligence b) Patrick c) Technical AI d) None of the mentioned