AI Languages Interview Questions
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 Explain where you use + operator in Prolog?

1 1616

 In “cuts” what is the Parent goal in Prolog?

1 1967

Explain with an example what is “Setof” predicate in Prolog?

1 1834

Explain what is the difference between bagof/3 and setof/3 predicate in Prolog?

1 2222

What are the different nlp tasks deep learning can be applied?


What does the language of fopl consist of?


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Un-Answered Questions { AI Languages }

Explain List of programming languages for artificial intelligence?


What is the output of the given statement? * (defclass article() ((title :accessor article-title :initarg :title) (author :accessor article-author :initarg :author))) * (defclass computer-article (article) ()) * (defclass business-article (article) ()) * (defclass political-article (article) ()) * (setf articles (list (make-instance ‘business-article :title “Memory Prices down”))) a) Business article b) Political article c) Business article


Explain List of artificial intelligence projects?


What are the different nlp tasks deep learning can be applied?


What does the language of fopl consist of?