Hi I am going to write TNPSC Group 1 exam i need the syllabus or pattern for the examination. thanks
Apollo, Group 2 II, IPS, Raj Construction, TCS, TNPSC Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission,
79 133504When r the Group I & II exams notifications coming up next? Please let me know. I am interested.
1 5816Guys I am a NRI working in gulf. Can some one tell me if I am eligible to appear for coming group 1 being outside india? Is there any way I can get a postal tuition from any of the coaching centers in hyderabad. Please guide me
2 5306The syllabus for appsc group1 with optional subjects and material needed.what is the minimum percentage for engineering students.Email me at p.ravichandra2000@gmail.com
3 23060Hi i am ashok.i have applied for DAO,but i couldnt get find the exam date any where in the site.will any one please let me know the exam date as wel as the exam papers(for pattern).
3 5690Hi All, This is Suri. I am one of Govt Job Aspirant. I am going to write DAO(divisional accounts officer), can u plz provide me the material(suggest me some links) and Exam dates. Thanks in advance, suri. mail-Id:surimalla@gmail.com
3 5761what is the syllabus for assistant motor vehicle inspectors in atransport subordinate service,a.p.p.s.c.
7 20941Hi friends which institute is the best institute to join for Group 1 in visakhapatnam or in hydrabad.
1 4920
I am completed my graduation (Bachelor of commerce)in 2005 and my age now 27 going on..date of biry 05-07-1984 is am qualified for attempt group1? moreove am OC (reddy) please let me...
at what time period voter i.d's are introduced in india
hi sir i am studying degree final year i want to write group1 exam please tell me sir how can i prepared for that exam for getting good rank in that exam
hello...i'm interested in writing group-1...can we have optional subjects for the exam...if so,which subjects can i choose???i'm interested in science but a bit poor in mathematics...can anyone tell where can i get the material to prepare for prelims...and how to plan for preparation....
i am first time writting ASo exam could you send the model paper
Is there any negative marking in tspsc aee civil engineering exam
Hai I am Ravi kishore i dad completed Diplamo in automobile engineering (DAE) i want to prepare for AMVI job can u please guide me with previous question papers and other materials thanks i advance
hai sir, when will the group exams notifications will be opened?i am interested.
hello sir r mam i going to complete bpharm by 2010.i want druginspector previous questionpapers of andrapradesh.so pls send syallabus too.
sir/ madam iwant town planning building oversers (TPBO) interview questions
sir iam from khammam i completed my b.tec ECE from JNTU college of engineering pulivendula . And now i want to take groups coaching in HYDERABAD. can u suggest me one good coaching centre for me, and i want to stay in hostel so i should hav ostel facility nearby
Hi Friends., Kindly tell me about some best institutes for Group-2., and if U have any related info about this Question please give me at bhaanu.sura@gmail.com ThanQ
send me appsc group 1 papers
Can any body send the Contact phone no.s or Address for Groups Audio cds
Hi friends.I am parveen.I want to know how to present our answer in group 1 mains.can any body know please answer me.I am searching for this for so many months