Hello ..iam a proffesor in an enginnering college ..could i know if there are any evening batches for group-1 coaching..
1876Hi friends.I am parveen.I want to know how to present our answer in group 1 mains.can any body know please answer me.I am searching for this for so many months
2084Dear friends I want to buy group 2 material of RC reddy can any one please tell me how much cost it would be. Your answer is most valuable for me Thank you
2082do mca with NET qualification is eligible to apply DEGREE LECTURERS in COMPUTER science Stream. i Know that MCA candidiate can apply to COMPUTER APPLICATIONS. but what about COMUPTER SCIENCE please give clear information regarding this.
1985Good afternoon sir, sir my name is M.NagaJyothi sir am telugu medium student sir is there available telugu medium materia&coaching in teugu &how much fee for Group1 mains sir.
1945is it the correct time to join group2 coaching ? for english medium which institute is the best ...give me the suggestion
1 2489geography is not required for mains.but can any one help me out in exact syllabus required for prelims as appsc is not providing exact syllabus required.
1 2500
plz tell me about the electives in group2
hi frends,i am studing 2nd b.tech.i am very interested about group 2, Can any one tell me about referrence books for group 2 exam of all three papers individually, any one know plzzzzzzzzz send me to the mail bharathwaj.csc@gmail.com ...............plese friends...................
are mbbs students eligible for group 1exam during their internship after completing final year
hi this is rahul. i had applied for group-1 in 2009. my qualification is B.Tech. actually i completed studying B.Tech in 2007 but passed in 2010 because of health problems. can any body please tell me am i eligible to write exam or not
hi frnd i hv completed my mba and want to prepare fr grops is it corect time.there z only five months time to.can i do it .plz sugest me tqqqqqqq
Is there any chance of cancelling the recently conducted APPSC GROUP-1 EXAM as two exams are conducted for prelims on different dates? Any case is filed against this?
two punctures appear on body bitten by scorpion poison
Hi.. I completed my bbm.can i elegible for group-2 exam?what is the minimum percentage to write the exam? can any body plz give me the answer..
can i get d full details about group-1 iam gng 2 prepare for the post of dsp
i want to know details about group exams...am intrested in socilogoy sub...i want to prepair telugu language...pls ans to my ques..give me details abt exam..my id:minu_shailu@yahoo.com
my 1st to degree completed in mumbai unversity.. now we r in nalgonda i am interested t prepare to group II exams... i want to go for coching ,, if chance to can i get job..wt is process for non local.. how many post r there non local persons for ladies....pls tell me
I have completed B.Sc BZC but appsc asked for the post of Extension Officer Gr.I qualification BZC Home science so am I eligible for that post
where can i get syllabus for A M V I (asst motor vehicle inspection) and any specific coaching centers in hyderabad. pl reply rahulgoje@gmail.com
I want to prepare for groups but am in USA where can i get material for preparing groups and what is the syllabus? I dont have any idea about groups.Can you suggest me any one.If anyone have soft material please send to me my mail id is gpmlatha@gmail.com
Where can I get the complete books for APPSC group-1 examination that provides best knowledge of all via postal service. How much it will cost including both for prelims and mains. Thanks in advance.