APPSC Interview Questions
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please any one tell me that what is pay scale for group 4 and other allowances of group4.


can any one tell me how to prepare for polytechnic lecturers interview for physics-2013

1 4863

hello sir pls tell me the interview for polytechnic lecturers in mathematics(i.e syllabus)


i got 290 marks in polytechnic lecturers written test ,i belongs BC-A category in zone IV.shall i expect any others BC-A candidates marks


please suggest some interview questions for govt lecturer in chemistry.


Do MCA is eligible to APPSC Polytechnic Lecturers


hai sir am preparing for group 2 exam can u plz inform wat material should i follow and any free websites are available for lerning group2 exam (related 2 indian history)


my 1st to degree completed in mumbai unversity.. now we r in nalgonda i am interested t prepare to group II exams... i want to go for coching ,, if chance to can i get job..wt is process for non local.. how many post r there non local persons for ladies....pls tell me


the council of the nine gems isasociated with


halo i prepare group2 exams but i dont know about which type of material used for group2 exams. plz let me know about xeros material of group2 books and xeros centre numbers and address.


we want when notification release?

RC Reddy,


what are the jobs that are provided if we prepare for groups


Hai am sri,can any one please suggest me a good institute For groups coaching in visakhapatanam. Also where and how to Get a good material for group 2 preparation ? I would be so Thankfull t0 you if any one replies


hi i am sai..i am thinking to join group 1 coachng in hyd..can u plz tell me that which is the best institute for group 1 in hyderabad

1 4221

whr can i buy appsc group 2 english medium study material?


Un-Answered Questions { APPSC }

Hi Friends., Kindly tell me about some best institutes for Group-2., and if U have any related info about this Question please give me at ThanQ


please suggest me the best book for indian economy in english for group I services?


we want when notification release?


Hi to one and all .... i want to knw abt group exams .. every detail of dis exams from d experienced persons ... when dis exam will be held in 2010 ? .... i will be glad if anyone can answer me what exactly am looking for ... thank u


Hi.. every one can any one tel me how should i start preparing for Divisional accounts officer interview.. your help will be greatly appreciated if u share any links of interview questions / books / coaching centers... Thanks in advance


can i get d full details about group-1 iam gng 2 prepare for the post of dsp


how 2 prepare for group 1 exam i donot have time to take coaching pls send me material to my mail


I did my MS in Automotive Engineering & B.Tech in Mechanical Engineering. Am planing to write APPSC Group-II exam for Motor vehicle Inspector post. So does any one got previous exam papers related to above mentioned subjects. You can mail me at


When tata have already cdma service than why it launch different network why not combined this


what is de percentage required to qualify in group 1 prelims and mains?


I want to prepare for groups but am in USA where can i get material for preparing groups and what is the syllabus? I dont have any idea about groups.Can you suggest me any one.If anyone have soft material please send to me my mail id is


please tell me,is there any negative marking in group 1 preliminary exams?


hi i compleated my Bcom Computer Applications i need to apply for FOREST RANGE OFFICER I eligible or not please let me know


Sir hai dis is veereshreddy and i am a govt employee(sa maths) plz send me aso syllabus to my Id veeres Sir plz send me aso syllabus


I want to know whether any fresh batches are starting for APPSC Group 1 coaching at RC Reddy Study Circle and its fee structure, timing, duration and from when the new batches are starting. They are not responding on telephone or by mail. Hence anybody who knows about the same Plz inform to my mail