Hello... i have done my Mtech. Am interested in govt sector.I want to prepare groups.I want to know ,how many attempts i can use my caste is BC-B. can you please just which institutes are good for coaching and which books i should refer
1450can suggest me a coaching center which will teach AMVI syllabus completely.my numbers is 9553358427 and email is simhadriprakash91@gmail.com
1420I want to know whether any fresh batches are starting for APPSC Group 1 coaching at RC Reddy Study Circle and its fee structure, timing, duration and from when the new batches are starting. They are not responding on telephone or by mail. Hence anybody who knows about the same Plz inform to my mail nimmi5508@gmail.com
3252Dear all, Right now i am working pharmaceutical i have shifts system 10 hrs including travelling but i want get job through groups how it possible to me can you please suggest to me anyone
1406Hi , Could someone please suggest me good institutes in vijayawada for APPSC Group 1 . .. Please help me
1427i am Rajasekhar my question is how can i prepare for group1 iam b.tech with 59% suggest me right guidance or other choice.
1321MTECH(IT) should be made equivalent to MTECH(CSE) for the post of lecturers in computer science and computer applications in govt degree colleges of andhra pradesh
2 3430Where can I get the complete books for APPSC group-1 examination that provides best knowledge of all via postal service. How much it will cost including both for prelims and mains. Thanks in advance.
1155im preparing for amvi appsc,,,i dont have experince in heavy vehicles but i have licence in htv am i elgible or not ?
1097When could be group1 mains results 2017...any idea and probable cutoff pls post ur expected marks who attended exam in august
3 4195
I want to prepare for groups but am in USA where can i get material for preparing groups and what is the syllabus? I dont have any idea about groups.Can you suggest me any one.If anyone have soft material please send to me my mail id is gpmlatha@gmail.com
Is there any chance of cancelling the recently conducted APPSC GROUP-1 EXAM as two exams are conducted for prelims on different dates? Any case is filed against this?
When will be New gr-1 notification issued?
when will be group 1 preliminary exam conduct and which type of preparation required , give some suggested readings ?
Good afternoon sir, sir my name is M.NagaJyothi sir am telugu medium student sir is there available telugu medium materia&coaching in teugu &how much fee for Group1 mains sir.
I want to know whether any fresh batches are starting for APPSC Group 1 coaching at RC Reddy Study Circle and its fee structure, timing, duration and from when the new batches are starting. They are not responding on telephone or by mail. Hence anybody who knows about the same Plz inform to my mail nimmi5508@gmail.com
Hai I am Ravi kishore i dad completed Diplamo in automobile engineering (DAE) i want to prepare for AMVI job can u please guide me with previous question papers and other materials thanks i advance
Hi, This is Sunita Iam an MBA graduate and interested in group 2 but do not have any guidance. I dont have time to take coaching as iam a mother of tripplets. Could any body guide me and send me some useful material in english and pervious exam papers and also pls let me know when the next notification for group 2 is likely to be released, let me know where can i get material aswell. Pls send me the group 2 material and syllabus and preparation plan and pattern to my mail id
could you pls send me the previous question papers of jr. lecturer physics papers ?
what is the procedure to apply for the drug inspector post in andhra pradesh
whr to get group 2 syllabus
can i get d full details about group-1 iam gng 2 prepare for the post of dsp
the famous 'Pearl Mosque' was built by
two punctures appear on body bitten by scorpion poison
Sir hai dis is veereshreddy and i am a govt employee(sa maths) plz send me aso syllabus to my Id veeres Sir plz send me aso syllabus