HiFriends can you all pls help me in providin me with the answers 1 In which table we store Leads? 2 Types of issues in support?
1570HiFriends can you all pls help me in providin me with the answers 1 In which table we store Leads? 2 Types of issues in support?
2 5343When I am creating the pricing conditions in I am getting error that sales organisation code does not exist. How to get it corrected?
1 3959Hi Gurus Please help me in this How do we do warranty check for the products ? How do we attach products in Marketing Your suggestions are highly appreciated
2 4029Hey People, Can Anybody kindly send some SAP CRM Technical interview questions to my email id : dishaa.ui@gmail.com. Thanks in advance, Vidya.
2097hi everyone,i am new to sap crm, can anyone pls tel me what i have to prepare for the interview as i am a fresher.
1804hi everybudy, could you please post the Q&A of SAP CRM Base customization, Marketing, Sales, Service, CIC and IPC? Pls mail to my email id mnjkk83@gmail.com. i will be grateful for your reply. manoj
1 3654hi everyone, can someone pls tell me about tickets and pls send me few tickets u have faced in base customization. my id - mnjkk83@gmail.com thanks.
16611)whats are the various bussiness partner type/categories? 2)what is the difference in BP in crm and in r/3? 3)what are the different sources through which BP enters into crm system?
2 66871)where is the integration between crm and r/3 in BP? 2)how is the data transffered from crm to r/3,whats the functionally? hi friends pls find answers for this questions an dpls send me to my mail.thank you my dear friends
24161)what are the different classification ofproducts? 2)how are the products uploaded from crm to r/3,manual or automatic? 3)customization of products in CRM?
3 6222Post New SAP CRM (Customer Relationship Management) Questions
How will you know if the data has been successfully transferred? Where will you check it?
What is the guid concept in crm?
What is task & activity ?
I am an Industrial Engineering graduate (through correspondence) with over 5 yrs experience. Now I am looking for a job in SAP CRM Functional on a fake resume with 3 years of relevant experience. the experience is verifiable, but i am worried abt the salary aspect. I am showing 4.8 lpa. how to justify it and what to say on form 16? what all should be the components of the salary slip?
Explain what is activity journal?
Explain easy enhancement workbench. What are the limitations of the eewb?
Give the detailed structure from marketing planner to service
How do you integrate R/3 with CRM
What are the steps for calculating the tax calculation process?
Mention the various types of business documents?
What is sap crm?
List out the standard transaction types for sales?
hello plz give me one example of business process... ex.. what is the business process of a pharma company..
Both in territory and org mgt it is possible to create different labels
1.What is the name of java interface we use in segmentation? 2. What are the channels and communication mediums?