I created a new info structure and activated update rules for it. What is the best way to transport them into a productive system?
What are the advantages of attribute view?
is LE module is better than SD module to get a job in SAP? becouse i think sd consultant are more than LE is it?
What are defined by corporate data model?
What is a connectivity software? Where would you install it?
How are free items managed in a po? You need to tick the tem as free in the po. The price will be zero for such po's.
Overlapping and splitting, where do you assign?
Does every abap/4 have a modular structure? : abap modularization
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Example of table cluster and cluster tables.
Two web servers are used in the production environment for load balancing/failover. How would you configure both web servers to share a single Report Repository?
Specify the relationship between the planned workingtime (infotype 0007) and basic pay (infotype 0008).
What is the whole process to send custom idoc from source system to destination system?
How does the interaction between the dynpro and the abap/4 modules takes place?
Is it possible to integrate crm with social networking sites?