ERP CRM Interview Questions
Questions Answers Views Company eMail

What is the difference between Implementation and Rollout?

Cap Gemini, Essar,

5 43368

What does "structure" mean in SAP? Also, what does "enhancement category" mean in SAP?

SAP Labs,

1 7738

Are you worked on EP? What are the activities are having related to Sap-basis can any one tell me what are the roles?and how will work on that one


2 4905

Define the Multi Org ? What is difference between 11i and 12i Multi Org Structure ?

2 18391

IS it possible APP profit center wise ?? How??

SAP Labs,

2 7475

What is the differance between Leading,non leading ledger in 6.0 with parlell ledger in 4.7? how it will useful in 6.0 then 4.7?

SAP Labs,

2 11019

What is the use of splitting in 6.0?

SAP Labs,

3 6274

can we assign any no.of group chart of accounts G/ls in operating COA? i mean operating COA and Group COA is 1:1?

2 4516

what is the T.code to get Financial a/c at group COA and Country COA?

2 4632

where we assign juridicial codes while we configeration of WHT?


If there are 100 records...explain the BDC session method step by step how you gonna do ?


2 10995

link between po and ap modules

ERP Solutions,

5 23499

what is the client level, company code level

1 7926

vendor a/c group ,and customers a/c groups,client level or company code level

4 7657

Can Any One Send These Answer :- 1.What is Task & Activity ? 2.What is Mapping ? How it is done ? 3.In Delta Download which table is retrieve from R/3 to CRM? 4.what is the rule of orgalisational determination ? 5.What is Action Profile ? 6.At the time of Implemention ,What type of problem your are generally face ? 7.What is difference beetween ECC & CRM? 8.What is Activity Journal ? 9.How to find target group & What is the flow of BP to Target group? 10.What type of Business Scenario you are following in you Project ?Business Scenario means What ?


6 11226

Un-Answered Questions { ERP CRM }

explain unit costing


What are set parameters and get parameters?


Why and how you calculate WIP?


 How do you install multiple PeopleBooks to the same server?


What is unserialized v3 update?


Explain what is the purpose of sap script?


What is the legacy system migration workbench (lsmw) and when would you use it in your sap fi/co rollout?


What are the internal tables and work area?


What are cycles of ar?


What are the parameters that you will give for crystal reports?


Can we create master detail relationship on existing records?


How to run trigger in asynchronously?


Why is technical clearing gl account used?


How many tables are there in sap?


What is a Work Schedule?