What is FIND, GREP and SED ? Could you please give me the difference between all the three? Where we use this commnands?
6 22023Post New Unix Commands Questions
Differentiate cmp command from diff command.
What is a command and examples?
What is command substitution?
What is the use of tee command?
What is the command to find maximum memory taking process on the server?
What does the command '$ls | wc –l > file1' do?
What does grep v do?
How do I use nslookup?
What is the search command in unix?
What is “chmod” command?
What are the commands in UNIX to list the files in a Directory?
What is the use of finger command?
What is ‘ps’ command for?
Can you enlist some commonly used network commands?
What is the command to view process running?