what is the difference between pipe(|) and tee command..

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what is the difference between pipe(|) and tee command....

Answer / manoj gadtia

pipe direct output of one command to the input of another

ls -l | wc

tee command reads standard input, then writes the output
to standard output and simultaneously copies it into the
specified file or files

ls -l | wc -l | tee out.txt

It shows the output and also write the result into out.txt

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what is the difference between pipe(|) and tee command....

Answer / mohit chandila

A Pipe would allow you to direct output of one command to
the input of another command ie. directs a stream from one
file to another.

A Tee command does the same job of directing streams
however it directs the stream to two destinations direction
one is the direction where the stream would otherwise end
up if there was no Tee command And the other direction is
the file that is argument to Tee command.

So, A Tee is used in Pipes to direct streams to an outside
file without interrupting the regular propagation of stream
in the pipe.

Output of A Input of B

Output of A ======== Input of B
Input of C

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what is the difference between pipe(|) and tee command....

Answer / guest

seperate arguments

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